We're not saying George R R Martin was inspired by It's A Royal Knockout, but there's an evil prince and most of the main players are dead. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
A special episode deserves a special subject, a royal subject, the subject of an investigation perhaps? It's A Royal Knockout is like a massive fever dream, minus breaking into a sweat of course.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
What's more annoying - adverts that you can't skip, or podcasts about middle-aged men's opinions? Luckily, you don't have to choose.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Christmas is over, we've all had enough of chocolate and sweets, so we've decided to watch some adverts. For chocolate and sweets.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
We're off to Button Moon...again, to celebrate Mark's birthday with a bunch of fever dream characters made out of household utensils and kitchen waste. *party popper sound*
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
N_cky C_mpb_ll _nd s_m_ m_n_r c_l_br_t__s g__ss w_rds w_th__t v_w_ls _n th_ m_st f_st_v_ g_m_sh_w _v_r. S_rry.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Bullseye Christmas specials make a mockery of the format of the game, as professional darts players get good scores, and celebrities answer all the questions correctly in the name of giving to charity. We'll never say no to watching an episode of Bullseye though. Apart from the one with Daphne from Eggheads on it.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Who doesn't love obnoxious shouty presenters swallowing the camera and being nice to Dave Perry? Everyone? Oh well, sorry Dexter Fletcher, GamesMaster isn't for you. Better go and be an incredibly successful movie director instead.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
The Blunders was a cartoon family sitcom that probably didn't exist and we don't remember it. Do you remember it? NO YOU DON'T YOU LIAR!
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Take a parody of Grange Hill, add some two-dimensional caricatures of the British Royal family, and you've got Palace Hill. Subversive? Yes. A bit rubbish? Apparently. Did we love it? Of course!
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
A giant Michael Bentine looms over some pirate puppets as if it's normal in another kids' tv show that sounds like we made it up.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
We pay our respects to ever-so-sprightly twice-nightly Richard Whiteley by watching the first ever Countdown and reminiscing about our own Countdown fan fiction from back in the day.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Anything Channel 4 could do, Sky One could do later. Games World had a lot in common with GamesMaster - a scornful mocking host, characters pretending to be good at video games, and Dave Perry hanging around like a bad smell.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Some animals have escaped from a pet shop and are pretending that they always lived by a British riverbank, and also that they have human needs and desires. And post offices.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Fruit in clothing is descending from a higher floor. Fruit in clothing is pursuing stuffed animals. This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Grotbags looks young and Croc looks diseased in the first episode of Emu's World. Rod Hull and Emu continue to look like an elderly woman using a ratty old toy from a car boot sale as an excuse to assault people.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
The Hudson Brothers Razzle Dazzle Show has it all - Dazzle, Razzle, the Hudson Brothers... and Rod Hull & Emu!
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
We open a portal to hell via Youtube and watch some awful puppets summon Tony Robinson into their infernal domain.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Tony Hart could probably kill you with his little finger, but instead he lives the peaceful life of some kind of monk in an extra-dimensional workshop where you're safe from the horrible real world, but modelling clay comes to life occasionally.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Simon brings his nightmarish doodles to life using magic chalk, or otherworldly sorcery on normal chalk, or mind-altering narcotics. I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
What do you get when you cross the Pink Windmill kids with Let's Pretend? This shambles about a load of over-enthusiastic stage school adults jumping about and singing whilst using half a dressing-up box.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Alphabet Castle is under siege by the soldiers of Number Castle, and they're pouring boiling oil over the parapets to burn all the Number people whilst battering rams smash through the walls!
Or, someone done a painting of a letter whilst wearing a cardboard crown.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Budgie is a helicopter with a face whose friends are a load of other vehicles with faces, and nobody wants you to make the comparison to all the other books and TV shows about vehicles with faces, but if you don't do that you have to talk about Sarah Ferguson instead.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Jungle all the way with more jungle fun this week as we watch the Junglies, which is about the jungle and or things that may or may not be from the jungle. Read this out loud and let us know at which point the word jungle lost all meaning.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling