Educational Halloween fun with a spooky word-obsessed ghost or alien or something, and possibly the most nineties teens to appear on the podcast so far. Plus, Samuel L Jackson is in this. Don't say we don't treat you nice, because we do.
EMAIL: ifyoulikewagonwheels@outlook.com
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
W4B theme composed by John Croudy.
We've put it off long enough, but we're finally doing the classic TV show about four meddling teenagers and their dog solving crimes... It's the Famous Five! Not Scooby Doo like you thought I meant. Even though you read the title of the episode first. Silly Wheelers.
EMAIL: ifyoulikewagonwheels@outlook.com
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
W4B theme composed by John Croudy.
More gameshow fun as Lionel Blair guides the elderly down memory lane listening to the first few notes of ancient music hall numbers and wartime classics. This show was doing nostalgia before it was cool.
EMAIL: ifyoulikewagonwheels@outlook.com
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
W4B theme composed by John Croudy.
"Take a word...
Change a letter...
Do it again...
And you've got a chain!
That's how you play-ay-ay Chain Letters!
Chain Letters!"
We're still on a gameshow kick, and we used to love Chain letters with Andrew O'Connor. Except this episode has the original host Jeremy Beadle. Ugh. Change the "G" to an "L" to make "LAMESHOW," L-A-M-E-S-H-O-W.
EMAIL: ifyoulikewagonwheels@outlook.com
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
W4B theme composed by John Croudy.
Yes we've already done a Bullseye episode, but what else could we do with our 180th episode? Literally anything else is a valid answer, but we're doing Bullseye anyway because it's ace so f*ck you.
EMAIL: ifyoulikewagonwheels@outlook.com
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
W4B theme composed by John Croudy.