What's the best way to cap off one of the most depressing anxiety-inducing years ever? Watching a load of downtrodden animated first-graders suffering with emotional issues of course!
Happy New Year Charlie Brown, you morose little prick.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
Copy this thing you saw a professional do once. Copy it with your Mum or Dad. Oh no, you've done it wrong. Now you look stupid don't you. Now say "CUDDLY TOY!"
Everyone join in, say cuddly toy.
We're not going anywhere until you say it.
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme acoustic arrangement by Joe Beckhelling
When Happy Days ended, what happened to the Fonz? Did he;
Die in a tragic repeat of his shark-jumping demonstration?
Continue to live above a garage to be sexually available for his best friend's mother?
Time travel with a dog, a magic future woman and two losers?
TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com
W4B theme composed by John Croudy
W4B theme piano arrangement by Richard L Gill